Get back to nature in the heart of wild Cornwall

Bless em All, Bless em All the long and the short and the tall.
Bless all the sergeants and W. O. ones,
Bless all the corp'rals and their blinkin sons,

If you would like to donate to help support Noon Cregg CIC Veterans Retreat. Please email for details.

Noon Cregg CIC Has now relocated to North Cornwall. Tintagel. Stunning views over Bodmin Moor, just a stone’s throw from Trebarwith Strand, Boscastle, and Tintagel. Amazing rugged coastline. With much to do. We have Brown Willy, and Rough Tor on our doorstep. This part of the Cornish coast is steeped in history. St Nectans Glen. The famous waterfall. said to be the place where King Arthur and Gwenevere got married.

Rocky Valley An ancient walkway down to a Rocky Cove on the North Cornwall Shore.

Delabole. The world renowned slate quarry. Ancient chapels and much more.

Whatever your service, or however long you served.

Noon Cregg offers a peaceful retreat and plenty for you to do to help you readjust.

I stayed at Noon Cregg, a few times. It was a wonderful experience. I met several veterans from all services. My father was in the Parachute regiment in the Second World War. This is such a wonderful place, and a very much needed establishment.


Noon Cregg saved my life. I was at rock bottom. I called out, and Badger answered my call when others didn’t. Thanks Badger for being my Rock.

Dave Royal Navy.

I wasn’t in a good place. Every door I tried for help was closed in my face. Until I was referred to Noon Cregg. Badger heard of my situation, and came straight out to pick me up, and brought me back to the retreat. If it wasn’t for Badger. I don’t know where I’d be. Probably dead.

Chris RLC.

This man got me the help I needed, I was in a rut I couldn’t get out of. Without Badgers help. Heaven knows where I’d be now.

Kev. Pioneer

I was on the edge of a cliff. Ready to end it all. Badger was called out, and I’m glad he was. He took me back to his retreat, and gave me the space I needed. He introduced me to like minded people and I realised that I wasn’t alone. Thanks Badger.

Garrick. Royal Navy

I was in a rite mess. Didn’t know where to turn. A friend put me on to Badgers at Noon Cregg Veterans Retreat. He turned my life around and put me on the rite track.

G. Riffles

What a lovely place to reflect and contemplate.

Reg. Royal Navy

Iv been here twice now with my daughter. We had a great time camping by the orchard. We done leather craft, and my girl made a lovely leather purse.

Looking forward to camping ther again.

Maggie. Royal Navy.

I was gutted to hear what happened to Noon Cregg, and how Badger was treated in court. How can this system that veterans like Badger, who served to protect, allow such atrocities to a so needed establishment.

The love of money is a root of evil!

I walked the streets for ten years trying to find myself after Afghanistan. I new my family wouldn’t recognise me, because I no longer recognised myself after what I saw, and done there. It was totally by accident I stumbled across Noon Cregg, and Badger. And if I hadn’t I’d still be roaming these streets looking for answers.

Rob. 40 commando.

Thanks for taking me in Badger., and again for helping me get the help I needed.

Bob. Scaly back. ‘Sigs.’

Thanks again Badger for taking me into your retreat. I will get there one day. You’ve planted a seed.



Keeping a watchful eye on a lad decompressing after we just pulled from the cliff top down at Treen, Porth Curnow.

This is our truck. The umbilical cord that allows me to travel to veterans in need. She has saved the lives of four veterans.

Tiny, after his bike ride around the coast of the UK raising mommy for Veterans with PTSD. BLOODY GOOD EFFORT!!

Rodney. Our Irish water spaniel. Our aging therapy dog. 16 this year..

My lads enjoying a bit of R&R in the sun.

Why Cornwall you ask!

Falmouth Armed Forces Day. And what a day it was. I had the privilege to March through Falmouth town with fellow veterans from all over the country.

We work closely to the Devon & Cornwall Food action charity. To get food parcels to our less mobile, and struggling Veterans.

Helping out local artists. By creating a mount for this wonderful hand carved Portland stone tree. Thank to Patrick Mc Williams.

The very first project we done at Noon Cregg. Restoration of this 18th century cottage. This is where Noon Cregg came from

We are currently looking for a new location. In order to carry out our work with fellow veterans. Our time at Tsalta, Porkellis has come to a premature end. But we are grateful for the time we had here, and the lives we changed whilst here. We wish the landlady all the very best for her future, and her. Wherever we settle. It will be in Cornwall. This part of the world boasts plenty to see and do whilst, also enjoying the peace and quiet of nature. From surfing and snorkelling with Badger who is a local legend, to fishing or hiking, there’s something for everyone. Somewhere to loose yourself from the ties of the cities and towns. Somewhere to reconnect and find one’s self again.

Veterans in stone work. This is what we get up to here at Noon Cregg CIC. I Use Stone work as a therapy. As to me it was my saving grace after my service, and now I pass on those skills I learned to like minded people.

More drystone walling by veterans. Beds for a herb garden.

From a kitchen knife, and steel. To a lump hammer and chisel. Well done Chris.

Drystone wall. Needs a good foundation. Just like everything in life.

Stone on stone. Tight beds, straight courses. All done by Veterans.

I take my work with Veterans very seriously. After all. We are family!

A visit with Chris and his family to the Cornwall Air Ambulance crew who saved his life after a seizure at our original site. An emotional day had by all.

Bless you Cornwall Air Ambulance, Penzance fire station, and Ambulance crew who all turned up on scene.

Fellow Tiger. Out and about over the Christmas period, tracking down homeless Veterans. We covered Truro,Falmouth and Helston. Dished out ration Packs. Donated by Billy and his team at Veterans in Action.

The man himself. Jonny Mercer. Veterans affairs MP. At Launceston for the build up to the Falmouth Armed forces day. He was after my autograph after I went on TV to appeal for funding for a permanent location to be put into trust for Noon Cregg CIC Veterans Retreat

Veterans in Cornwall. This is the result of our last cadre Noon Cregg CIC Veterans

Meet Badger

I was a late starter in my military career due to a failed attempt at getting into the parachute regiment aged 17. I eventually passed basic training for the Queens Division, and served for five years as a foot soldier, in anti tanks, and as a driver, amongst many other jobs, mostly in Northern Ireland. I am a Veteran. We all paid the price to some extent. Leaving our families, friends and our lives behind us, to serve the greater good.

I had a few close calls during my service, one of them involving a pride of lions and a gang of baboons in Kenya! But that’s a story for the campfire… I was hospitalised when I got blown off a roof in fermanagh, Northern Ireland. Had a very close call with the IRA. And that’s when I had a tough time readjusting.

All my friends and family had moved on with their lives. They don’t tell you that when you join the army. Stone walling, and surfing helped me get back on my feet. I had come from a family of builders and engineers so it felt right. I also completed an RNLI lifeguard cadre. For my Surf coach instructors, and a long distance lorry driver amongst many other things in the years that were to follow.

I don’t regret any of my army service but it takes its toll, sometimes when you are least expecting it. That’s why I’m setting this retreat up. Because I’ve seen what it does to people and I think this place can help fix some of those issues. I want to share all the trades and skills I’ve learnt over the years; from off grid living, to stone masonry, wild cooking, surfing, fishing and a lot more still! The modern world is a difficult place for everyone, for so many reasons, and I want to show people that there is a way of living sustainably, in and with nature, and it can be very rewarding!

Want to find out more?

This is only the beginning of the Noon Cregg Community, and we want you to be a part of it.

Be a part of the team. Come and stay for a short or even long term visit. There are many Veterans living rough on the streets. Here we can help get you the support you need. With our network of Veterans charities there is no shortage of help, all run by former service personnel who still have that, what is ingrained in us. The Buddy, Buddy system.

We want to build this together, and we welcome ideas from experts in all sorts of fields. REME. Sappers. who I know they can really make a difference and offer something to this adventure. Get in touch with Badger to find out more.


“I was visiting the Merry Maidens when I met Badger as he was placing apples on each stone for the weary traveller. He invited me to Noon Cregg for a delicious breakfast cooked outside on the fire and we have been friends ever since. He’s a wonderfully sensitive person and Noon Cregg is a magical place.”

— Orlando